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微卫星标记在海洋经济贝类中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
微卫星标记是一种DNA分析手段,是种群遗传学研究中广泛应用的分子遗传标记。本文探讨了海洋贝类微卫星DNA的开发现状,介绍了微卫星的特点。阐述了微卫星标记技术应用于海洋贝类遗传多样性研究、遗传连锁图谱的构建、杂交子代的鉴定及杂种优势和繁殖成功率分析以及物种鉴定等方面的情况,并说明了微卫星标记技术存在的问题和发展趋势。  相似文献   
根据2005年4月和10月厦门贝类养殖区环境调查资料,着重对贝类养殖区表层沉积物中重金属的含量水平进行分析,并对贝类养殖区的表层沉积物进行质量评价及潜在生态危害评价.结果表明:厦门贝类养殖区沉积物中Cu、Pb、Cd、Zn、Hg、As的平均含量分别为20.0mg.kg-1,39.5mg.kg-1,0.07mg.kg-1,97.3mg.kg-1,0.05mg.kg-1,7.20mg.kg-1.其中同安湾北部和湾顶养殖区及西海域的杏林、东山养殖区,6种元素的含量均较高;位于同安湾的刘五店、澳头养殖区,含量均较低.沉积物质量评价结果表明,贝类养殖区沉积物中重金属的含量符合第一类海洋沉积物质量标准,属于较清洁水平.Hg、As和Cd的潜在生态危害系数大于Cu、Pb、Zn,整个养殖区沉积物中重金属为轻微生态危害,养殖环境良好.  相似文献   
Increased demand has pushed extensive aquaculture towards intensively operated production systems, commonly resulting in eutrophic conditions and cyanobacterial blooms. This review summarizes those cyanobacterial secondary metabolites that can cause undesirable tastes and odors (odorous metabolites) or are biochemically active (bioactive metabolites) in marine and freshwater, extensive and intensive aquaculture systems. For the scope of this paper, biochemically active metabolites include (1) toxins that can cause mortality in aquaculture organisms or have the potential to harm consumers via accumulation in the product (hepatotoxins, cytotoxins, neurotoxins, dermatoxins, and brine shrimp/molluskal toxins), (2) metabolites that may degrade the nutritional status of aquaculture species (inhibitors of proteases and grazer deterrents) or (3) metabolites that have the potential to negatively affect the general health of aquaculture species or aquaculture laborers (dermatoxins, irritant toxins, hepatotoxins, cytotoxins). Suggestions are made as to future management practices in intensive and extensive aquaculture and the potential exposure pathways to aquaculture species and human consumers are identified.  相似文献   
采用主成分分析法评价廉州湾贝类养殖区水质状况   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了解广西廉州湾贝类养殖区水质状况并指导渔业生产,借助SPSS软件,分析了2013—2015年该养殖区的水温、溶氧(DO)、化学耗氧量(COD)、溶解态无机磷(DIP)、溶解态无机氮(DIN)、石油类、汞(Hg)和叶绿素-a(Chl-a)等8项水质因子。采用主成分分析法筛选对养殖区影响较显著的因子来综合评价水质状况。结果显示,在产卵期(5月)和高渔获期(10月)可以各提取占总方差89.9%、92.9%的前4个主成分来计算综合评价函数得分,2013—2015年各监测期水质综合得分依次是0.220、-0.211、0.759、1.028、-0.977、-0.817,分值高低反映水质污染程度。2013年两个监测期的水质均属于III类,2014年两个监测期的水质均属于IV类,2015年产卵期水质属于I类,2015年高渔获期水质属于II类。由此可知,养殖区水质综合状况不稳定,年际间变化较大,曾出现Hg超标情况,污染较严重的是DIP、DIN和Chl-a。因此,养殖区应加强码头日常作业及沿岸工业排污口管理,同时应控制生活污水、农业废水排入,合理规划养殖规模,防止贝类养殖自身污染。  相似文献   
由于特殊的地理环境和良好的气候条件,海南省已成为我国外来生物入侵的重灾区之一,许多外来淡水生物在海南均有分布。2016-2018年,对万泉河、南渡江、昌化江等海南主要河流外来淡水生物的种类和分布进行了初步调查。经过调查发现,目前海南共有43种外来淡水水生生物,其中鱼类31种、爬行类2种、两栖类1种、软体动物2种、甲壳动物3种,淡水植物4种。海南省外来淡水生物的主要入侵途径是水产养殖引种,主要危害是捕食和竞争。根据调查结果提出了健全管理制度、加大科学研究和人才培养、加强宣传等防控策略。  相似文献   
淡水养殖梭鱼的人工繁殖机理   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
陈惠彬 《水产学报》1989,13(2):109-115
1982~1986年;作者采用外源药理学方法,使淡水养殖梭鱼(S‰0.297-0.569)克服了“淡水不育症”,雌鱼性腺成熟率85%以上,完全取代了“海水过渡”。在人工催产中又克服了排卵机制的障碍及胚胎对环境的不适应,并对梭鱼亲鱼血清激素含量进行放射免疫(RIA)测定及电子显微镜对梭鱼脑垂体亚显微结构进行观察。提出梭鱼存在血脑屏障。  相似文献   
The Lower Mekong Basin is facing unprecedented threats to fish diversity from hydropower development. There is increasing pressure on developers and construction authorities to design solutions to improve fish survival through turbines, thus protecting the resources in regions being developed for hydropower. A hydraulic characteristic of hydropower turbines with known fisheries impacts is fluid shear stress. Elevated shear stress occurs where rapidly flowing water passes near spillways, screens and within turbine draft tubes. Shear stress can have adverse impacts on fish, but no work has assessed whether this holds true for Mekong River species. A flume was used to determine critical tolerances of silver shark, Balantiocheilos melanopterus (Bleeker), to shear stress rates at a high‐velocity jet which simulated a hydropower turbine. Fish were assessed for injury or mortality following exposure. Results were compared against a no‐shear control. Injury and mortality were greater at higher shear stress exposures. Injuries occurred at all shear exposure levels with mortality at shear levels higher than 600/s. This approach should help design future hydropower turbines if data on other species demonstrate similar results. If the likelihood of adverse impact is high, then shear stress will need to be considered in the design of future hydropower facilities.  相似文献   
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